Biomass heating from the innovation master
GUNTAMATIC Heiztechnik GmbH
More than one third of the final consumption of European energy is accounted for by room heating and water heating in buildings. In order to successfully master the energy transition, it is essential to bring this major energy consumption sector to state of the art. For this reason alone, there are currently extremely high-yielding biomass subsidies from the federal and state governments. Which biomass heating or hybrid heating is most suitable depends on the required power, on the available energy source and ultimately on the individual requirements of the building owners and plant operators.
Biomass heating systems from 5 to 1000 kW, from new construction, to heating rehabilitation and biomass heating systems for agriculture, to municipal industrial and hall heating systems. The highly economical pellet heaters, firewood heaters, woodchip heaters and hybrid heaters (heat pump with pellet or firewood and log fires) from GUNTAMATIC are characterized by utmost reliability and maximum comfort.
Biomass heating is one of the most advanced heating systems on the market. Modern in design, traditional in values and innovative in energy concept.

Heating system

PELLETS - available and highly efficient
Wood pellets are the ideal biomass fuel, if you want to heat climate-neutral and economically, without sacrificing the usual heating comfort. Because pellets are ideal for use in automatic pellet boilers. Pellets are made from pressed forest residue wood and untreated wood shavings, making them available almost indefinitely. The storage of the pellets can be done flexibly in a separate storage room or in a special reservoir. Thanks to availability, the price of pellets has remained almost constant over the past few years, while oil and gas prices have increased significantly over the same period.
With our powerful GUNTAMATIC low-temperature pellet boilers with modulating combustion, pellets achieve a heating efficiency of up to 95%.

Heating system

Logs - economical and independent
Log wood is the optimum biomass fuel if you want to heat in an environmentally friendly way and have your own wood or favorable supply sources for firewood. Log is usually made of 30 or 50 cm long pieces of wood and is available almost unlimited.
Thanks to the constant prices for the solid piece of firewood, fuel firewood not only helps to reduce heating costs, but also makes it independent of oil and gas imports and their price fluctuations. As renewable biomass energy, logs are easy to store and transport. It is usually produced in the region, thus reducing transport routes and securing local jobs.
With our high-performance GUNTAMATIC wood gasifiers with stainless steel filling chamber and rotary combustion chamber (BMK) as well as our premium firewood systems (BIOSMART), firewood achieves a heating efficiency of up to 95%.

Heating system

Hybrid systems - sustainably heat
Guntamatic hybrid heaters use multiple energy sources: ambient heat and pellets or logs. At plus temperaturs and lower heat demand, the air heat pump heats energy-efficient and emission-free. When the heat demand increases, the hybrid system automatically switches to pellet or firewood operation. With the EVOLUTION systems, you can also enjoy the comfort of a sight-blaze
The innovative control technology with combustion and process monitoring ensures maximum comfort and maximum efficiency.

Heating system
Heating system

Wood chips - cheap and climate-friendly
Woodchips are the ideal biomass fuel if you want to heat CO2 neutrally and economically, because woodchips are particularly cost-effective. Wood chips consist of chopped wood residues and are a crisis-proof fuel. The automatic and practical heat supply is particularly suitable for farms or large-scale plants.
With our powerful GUNTAMATIC woodchip boilers with industrial step grate technology, woodchips achieve an efficiency of up to 94% thanks to their excellent heating values.

Heating system

Agro fuel boilers - economical and future-proof
Straw pellets or energy grain provide valuable, regional biomass energy if you want to use a rapidly renewable resource. Agro fuels such as energy grain, miscanthus, straw pellets or corn spindles can be cultivated easily in most regions and are the future of modern heating technology.
Thanks to availability, prices for plant fuels have remained almost constant in recent years. As renewable energy from biomass, plant fuels are easy to store and transport.
With our high-performance GUNTAMATIC plant heaters with industrial staircase technology, straw pellets, corn spindles and energy grain achieve an efficiency of up to 94% thanks to their excellent calorific values.

Industrial boilers - reliable and safe
No matter whether you want to build a larger housing estate, a municipal building, a commercial enterprise or a district heating network: The scalable PRO industrial plants offer tailor-made solutions for requirements of 175 - 1000 KW.
The modular system uses sophisticated standard components, so the setup is done in a short time. The industrial heating system burns pellets or logs and therefore heats climate-neutral and extremely economical. A sophisticated security concept and a proven all-round service guarantee reliability and thus smooth operation.